This week is prophecy impartation and activation week!
Frightening? Somewhat.
Necessary? Absolutely!
"Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy."
1 Corinthians 14:1
Prophecy is needed to edify and build up the church in order for people to live out their destiny, walking in love and power.
Today during class, every person stood from there seat, turned to the left, placed their hands on the person in front of them and asked Holy Spirit what He wanted to show this person. The best part don't have to work hard to get something! The goal is to build up. Some people see pictures with their inner eye, others get words, some just get an impression or a feeling. God is looking to show His love and is looking for open vessels to pour through.
Another revelation we are walking out is the concept of experiencing God. I had never thought about it before, but it makes complete sense that if you have an encounter with a God with as much power as our God has, then you may have a physical response to Him.
We see a lot of people encountering God here. People shaking, contorting, laughing, crying, dancing, spinning, rolling, yelling, etc. If we really believe that God is a good God and full of joy have we experienced it? Have we laughed out loud for no other reason then because God touched us in some way?
All this to say, read Acts 2 and you will get an idea of what any given day looks like at our school. There is plenty of joy, a bunch of drunkenness in the Holy Spirit and an abundance of love to be shared with the lost and broken both in the world and in the church.
Stay tuned! Cierra has an amazing testimony of Gods provision that she will share soon!