"This is how we know what love is, that Christ laid down His life for us, so we too should lay down our lives for others." 1 John 3:16

Monday, March 28, 2011

San Francisco, here we come!

We will be off to San Francisco for our mission trip on Thursday morning! It is amazing how time is flying by! We have much to update you all and are excited to fill you in on our happenings. Thank-you for all of your prayers and support for our upcoming mission trip! We were able to pay for the trip in full! Thank-you Jesus!

Please be continuing to pray for us as we head out for our 5 day adventure to the beautiful bay city. Our team will be partnering with "The Promised Land" church and ministering to their staff and ministry school students with prophetic words, preaching, art and music. We will also be doing street ministry in the "tenderloin" section of the city.

Our leaders of our trip are Kristene Mueller-DiMarco and her husband, Jordan DiMarco! (Those of you who are familiar with the Jesus Culture artists will know who Kristene is... and if you don't, look up her music HERE !) :) We are so excited for this privilege and opportunity to share the love of Jesus and serve lots of different kinds of people.

Can't wait to tell you about the trip when we come back!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

the art of being

"come and rest" mixed media by cierra

Jason painting

more to come from Jason :)

acylic art by cierra

photography and collages 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcoming March

March is here!

We are excited to see what it will bring.

Mission trip preparations, revelations, beauty, divine appointments perhaps?

What are you hoping for this month? :)